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Monday, June 20, 2011

Shinobi by Sessha Batto

The first thing I am going to say is that this book was phenomenal!!!!

Now for the disclaimers: This book is not for the faint of heart, squeemish, prudish, conservative or under 18s. It contains graphic homoerotic sex, mutilation and torture.

Having said all that I will go further and say that all the scenes in the book were appropriate in order to tell the story and at no time did I ever feel that anything was over done, over played or over the top. Infact without these scenes I do not think I would have been able to fall in love with the characters as whole heartedly as I did.
The central character Yoshi is the infamous Shadow Wolf of the Takahashi clans and he has a secret. A secret he has been carrying for 26 years. Shinobi is the story of what happens when his secret is revealed to one of the most dangerous men in their organisation and the series of events that unfold as a result.
Shinobi is a saga that is completely character driven. It is clear from the start that Sessha Batto has lovingly written every beautiful descriptive detail. The book is gut wrenching, extremely visceral and it cuts to the bone. Once the healing begins however we discover beauty and passion. The love scenes are endearing and sweet with just enough of everything to make them perfect.
I was not sure what to expect when I read this book and even then it surprised me I honestly could not put it down and I loved every minute of the read. I cannot wait to read Book Two Struggle for Balance coming fall 2011.


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