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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Heresy by Poppet

First off I should qualify that I have LOVED every single Poppet book that I have ever read. There is something about her writing style that appeals to me on a very deep level. Her style might come accross as unusual to some people and if it does do not let it stop you, read on and discover what is around the bend because the best thing about Poppet is that she never lets you down.
Heresy is a book that is difficult to categorise! It has elements of several different genres but it belongs in a genre all it's own. If I had to categorise it I would say Paranormal romance with a good dash of Da Vinci code and a dollop of occult horror. Heresy was a rollercoaster from the moment I picked it up till the moment I read the last word and still wanted more. That is no easy feat in a book this long. Kindle users will get my drift when I say there are over 12 000 kindle locations in this book and you will definitely be getting your moneys worth.
The central character in this delicious story is Micki! Micki has spent her life honing her spiritual powers and engaging in the spiritual war between light and dark. In doing so she has gained the attention of a seriously sinister cult that will stop at nothing to destroy her ability to combat their evil by destroying her in the most horrific way possible. Micki is not alone in this fight though and she will need each one of her friends unique skills to make it through the insanity that becomes her world. Throw in some very capable and yummy police officers and you end up with a book that is too hot to handle. I am on the verge of gushing non stop about this book so I will spare you all and stop right now while I enjoy the very sweet knowledge that Heresy is only part 1 of a series and that Poppet will be releasing Part 2 very very shortly because really I love love loved this book!!! One last thought: Henceforth a Pog will always be called a Pog by me and Ya'll are gonna have to read the durn book to find out what that means :)


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